Sunday, June 30, 2013

Doggy Daddy

Late on a Saturday - after finishing the water tank mods - the me and the dogs headed out on a solo overnighter to Hickory Run.  Wife is in MN for 3 weeks with family, we're all pretty bored.

Same campsite as last trip - 207.

The dogs spooning.  Old dogs = low-impact camping.  Like last time, Sadie likes to wander off into the rough.  It being hard to watch her while cooking in the camper I used the tie-out.

Brought wood from the pile after seeing how wet the stuff they sell you is last trip.  Eventually a nice fire, altho I didn't really need it.

Tucked in.  I forgot the dog beds, so broke out the towels and did the best I could.  No one seemed to mind.

A detour on the way home to Beltzville.  Found this great spot right off the parking lot.

Parked at home, I noticed water leaking from the truck box again.  Dismounted the camper to find a drip from the tank drain.  I must have moved the valve while installing the deck plate.  The valve is closed when facing starboard.

Dogventure I

The dog shakedown trip:

 Hickory Run, spot 207.  Electricity + dogs.

Supper cooking.

Dinner time.

Spent most of the day sitting around playing Scrabble.  Finally Sadie got a walk.  Scout was there to greet.

After some struggling, Scout managed to get comfortable on the folded out couch.  I nearly spent the night on the couch with him, worried that he would be fidgety with us out of sight in the cabover, but all the excitement of the day must have pooped him out.  Neither dog moved all night.

The view from outside in the morning.  Sadie leaps out and needs to be caught in the air.  Scout needs to be craned out.  Pretty painless for all concerned. It would be a tight fit if there were rain and we had to spend a lot of time in the camper.

Some camper mods

Water heater drain and anode

Top: the lid, which is also the template.  Right: the flange.  Left: a piece of rubber gasket material.

The fresh water tank marked out.

 A bunch of connected stab cuts with a utility knife.

Installed with stainless screws.

It not always convenient to add water via the exterior fill.  With a port on the tank, I can haul water in an aquatainer and dump it directly into the tank with no pumps or other special gyrations.  Access for cleaning and draining: not sure of the utility of this yet.